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Notes On Language For Chapter1

Published in: Language

Notes on different small topic under title Chapter 1A as extra lessons for my teaching.

Tan W / Klang

3 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Bachelor of Music

Teaches: Chinese Mandarin

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  1. Extra Lessons ( IA) (xiäo nu håi käi Xin de Chui Zhe påo påo) The little girl blows the bubble happily. (tä de hi håo shi lä xiäo tf qin) Her hobby is playing the violin. (wö méi tiän döu yåo liån xi tån qfn) Every day, I want to practice playing the piano. (tä de zhuän chång shi Ching gé) Her special skill is singing. (zhö go zuö diån zhén ruän) This cushion is really soft. (xiäo ming läo shi få zhån yi xiäo shi) Xiao Ming is punished by teacher to stand for an hour.
  2. (tä liån xi chång päo yi jing hén jiü le) He have been practicing long distance running for a long time. (mä mä yöng däo qié ji röu) Mum uses the knife to cut the chicken. (wö yöng täng chi hé chä chi fin) I use spoon and fork to eat rice. (wö yöng kuåi zi chi miån) I use chopsticks to eat noodles. (chi fång li yöu hén duö wän dié) There are many bowls and plates in the kitchen. (tä shäng Xin de töng kü qi låi) He burst into tears with sorrow. 2
  3. (zhö wöi läo fil rén äi shäng de kin Zhe chuäng Wii) The old woman look out the window sadly. (tä zhö shi gän dåo hén kuåi 10) She feels very happy at this moment. (shéng cf) (Chui zhe)- blowing (pho påo)- bubbles (lä xiäo tf qfn)- play the violin (liån xf)- practice (zhuän chång)- special skills/ expertise (zuö diån)- cushion (ruän)- soft when touched (zhån)- stand (chång päo)- long distance running (yi jing)- already (däo)- knife (täng chi)- spoon X (chä)- fork (kuåi zi)- chopsticks (wän dié)- bowl and plates 3
  4. (töng kü)- cry bitterly (läo fil rén)- old woman (äi shäng)- sadness (chuäng wåi)- outside the window (zhö shi)- this moment (gän dåo)- feels