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Note On Chapter 12 Coordination And Response

Published in: Biology

Organisms respond to changes in the internal or external environment (stimuli) for survival. There are two types of response: chemical and nervous. The nervous system allows the body to respond to stimuli in the internal and external environment and is coordinated by the brain and / or spinal cord.

Tan C / Kuala Lumpur

7 years of teaching experience

Qualification: B.Sc (Forensic)(Hons), USM

Teaches: English, Science, Biology, Chemistry

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  1. COORDINATION AND RESPONSE . An organism experiences changes in its internal and external environments all the time The changes which cause responses in the body are called stimuli 2. There are two types of stimuli: 3. a) b) Mammals detect stimuli through highly specialised sensory cell called 4. receptor. Effectors in the body carry out the responses to stimuli 3. A response is the way an organism reacts after detecting a stimulus. 6. Coordination is the process by which stimuli are detected and 7. eventually result in appropriate responses. The roles of coordination and response are carried out by two different 8. coordinating systems, namely the and the
  2. Roles of the Nervous System 1. Sensory 2. Integrative 3. Motor Sensory input Sensory receptor Motor output Effector Peripheral nervous system (PNS) O as Integra Brain and spinal cord Central nervous system (CNS)
  3. THE ROLE OF HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM It is divided into main subsystem: a) central nervous system (CNS), b) peripheral nervous system (PNS), The Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Nerves Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System
  4. The Brain Cerebrum Divided into two halves called the cerebral hemispheres (left and right) It is responsible for many mental abilities. Cerebellum 1 .Coordinating centre for body movements 2.Evaluates the information and relays the need for coordinated movements back to the cerebrum 3.Then sends appropriate commands to the muscle
  5. Medulla oblongata 1. Regulates the internal body processes that do not requires conscious effort, that is, automatic functions such as the heartbeat and breathing. 2. Reflex centre for vomiting, coughing, sneezing, hiccupping, blinking, Hypothalamus 1. Important role in homeostatic regulation. 2. Control centre of the endocrine system. Pituitary gland 1. Secretes hormones that influence other glands and body function. 2. Controls the release of several hormones from the pituitary gland and thereby serve as important link between the nervous and endocrine system.
  6. halamus Responsible for sorting the incoming and outgoing information in the cerebral cortex Integrates the information from the sensory receptor to the cerebrum by enhancing certain signals blocking others. Spinal Cord Contain within the vertebral column It is consisting of white matter and grey matter a) in cross section, grey matter looks like a butterfly or the letter H b) consist mainly of cell bodies of neurones c) surrounded by white matter d) the white matter comprises myelin-coated axons of neurones that exten the whole length of the spinal cord Dorsal root White matter Gray matter Motor neuron ganglion Dorsal root Sensory neuron soma Spinal Ventral root Cross Section of Spinal Cord
  7. NEURONS 1. The nervous system is made up of millions of nerve cells called neurones 2. Neurones transmit nerve impulses to other nerve cells, glands or muscles. TYPES OF NEURONS Sensory Neurons Carry sensory information from receptor cell to the brain and spinal cord. Motor Neuron
  8. Interneurons Convey nerve impulses between the various parts of the brain and spinal cord, transmit nerve impulses between afferent and efferent The transmission of information across synapses Synapse is the site where two neurons, or a neuron and an effector cell communicate. The transmission of information across a synapse involves the conversion of electrical signals in the form of neurotransmitter The function of synapses includes controlling and integrating the nerve impulses transmitted by the stimulated receptors
  9. A SYNAPSE Voluntary action and involuntary action The PNS has two mam functions 1.1t transmits signal to the CNS for processing 2.1t transmits responses from the CNS to the rest of the body Voluntary actions such as walking and talking are under conscious control Involuntary actions that involve skeletal muscle allows immediate action that does not require conscious effort
  10. v/ For example, if a finger touch a hot stove, the reaction is to pull the finger immediately without having to think about it v/ In such circumstance when the responses to stimuli are involuntary, they are called reflexes. v/ The nerve pathway involved in a reflex action is called a reflex arc v/ The effectors involved in involuntary action are smooth muscle and cardiac muscle Reflexes Spinal cord Muscle left.:tcvl Fing I Reflex reaction biceps femoris muscle (flexor) quadriceps femoris soo 0 2013 sow Stretch receptor cell body Of pate I Lar tendon root ganglion spinal cord gray matter white cell Of motor 'Wrons
  11. Diseases of the nervous system Parkinson's disease v/ Is a progressive disorder of a CNS that typically affect victims around the age of 60 years onwards. v/ Parkinson's disease affect muscular movements, causing tremors or trembling of the arms, jaws legs and face. v/ Patients also have difficulty in maintaining normal postures and experience impaired balance and coordination. Typical appearance Of Parkinson's disease Rigidity Flexed elbows & wrists of trunk Reduced arm Slightly flexed hips & knees Shuffli short- Ste ppe}gait
  12. Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder which affect victims around the age of 60 years onwards, causes the loss of reasoning and the ability to care for oneself. Individual of Alzheimer's disease often become confused, forgetful, and lose their way although they are in place which are familiar to them. As their mind continue to deteriorate, patients may lose the ability to read, write, eat, walk and talk. The cause of this disease still unknown, but the factors such as genetic, environmental or the aging process itself can lead to Alzheimer's disease SYMPTOMS OF ALZHEIMER'S WITH OR PLACE LOSS TRoueLE WITH FAMILIAR TASKS CONVERSATION CHANGES IN MOOD OR PERSONALITY
  13. PAPER Coordination and Response Koordinasi dan Gerak 12.1 Balas 1. Diagram I shows the transmission of information SPY pathway. Rajah 1 menunjukkan laluan penghantaran maklumat. Stimulus Receptor Reseptor Sensory neurone Neuron dena x Gland Kelenjar Response Tindakan Diagram I / Rgjah I Which of the following are represented by X and Y? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah diwakili oleh X dan Y? A B C D 2. A B C D x Brain otak Brain Otak Relay neurone Neuron geganti Motor neurone Neuron motor e 214 - 243 Nervous System 12.2 Sistem Saraf 3. Diagram 2 shows the structure of human brain. Relay Neuron geganti Motor Neuron motor Brain Brain Which Of the following matches the receptor and its stimuli correctly? Antara yang berikut. yang manakah memadankan reseptor dan rangsangannya dengan betul? Receptor Reseptor Baroreceptor Baroreseptor Nociceptor Nosiseptor 4. Stimulus Rangsangan Change in pressure Perubahan Touch and pressure Sentuhan dan Chemoreceptor Light Kemoreseptor Cahaya Photoreceptor Change in Fotoreseptor temperature Perubahan Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur Otak manusia. c Diagram 2 / Rajah 2 Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D controls the body balance? Antara bahagian bedabe/ A, B, C dan D, yang manakah mengawal keseimbangan badan? Diagram 3 shows parts of human brain. Rajah 3 menunjukkan bahagian Otak manusia. Diagram 3 / Rajah 3 What will happen to the body if X and Yare damaged? Apakah yang akan terjadi jika X dan Y tercedera?
  14. Form 4 practice 12 and in Humans A B C D x Loss of balance Hilang Rate of heartbeat cannot be keseimbangan controlled Neurones and Synapse 12.3 Neuron dan 6. Diagram 5 shows a type Of neurone. Rajah 5 menunjukkan sejenis Diagram 5 / Rajah 5 Which Of the following is the type of this neurone? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah jenis neuron ini? transmission of impulses. What is this fatty layer known as? Terdapat satu lapisan lemak yang menya/uti gentian saran Lapisan ini bedungsi sebagai penebat dan mempercepatkan penghantaran impuls. Apakah nama lapisan lemak ini? Loss of hearing Hilang Loss of memory Contraction of muscles affected pengecutan Otot terjejas Kadar denyutan ntung tidak dapat dikawal Loss Of balance Hilang kesegnbangan badan Rate of peristalsis cannot be controlled Kadar peristalsis tidak dapat dikawal Loss of feelings Hilang perasaan A B C D Cell body Badan Axon Akson Node of Ranvier Nodus Ranvier Myelin sheath Salut mie/in A B C D Neurotransmitter Neurotransmiter Motor neurone Neuron motor Relay neurone Neuron geganti Sensory neurone Neuron ±ria 5. Diagram 4 shows the cross- section of a spinal cord. Rajah 4 menunjukkan keratan rentas suatu saraf tunjang. Diagram 4 / Rajah 4 What is A? Apakatl X? 7. Diagram 6 shows the structure of a motor neurone. Rajah 6 menunjukkan struktur neuron motor. c 9. Diagram 7 shows a synaptic Rajah 7 menunjukkan suatu bonggol sinaps. Diagram 7 / Rajah 7 Which ofthe following is structure U and its function? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah adalah struktur LJ dan D Diagram 6 / Rajah 6 Which of the following parts labelled A, B, C and D transmits nerve impulses away from the cell body? Antara bahagian yang berfabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah menghantar impuls keluar dari badan se/? 8. There is a layer of fatty substance which covers a nerve fibre. This fatty layer acts as an insulator and increases the speed of A B A B C D fungsmya? Structure Struktur Synaptic vesicle Vesikel sinaps Synaptic vesicle Vesikel Sinaps Ventral root Akar ventral Dorsal root A kar chrsal Grey matter Jinni kelabu White matter Jirim putih Function Fungsi Secretes the neurotransmitter Merembeskan neurotransmiter Conducts impulses to the end of the synaptic knob Mengalirkan impuls ke hujung bonggol sinaps
  15. Il 111 IV A B c D 10. IL Mitochondrion Produces Mitokondrion energy to conduct impulses across the impulse ten aga untuk impuls merentasi sin aps Mitochondrion Transmits the impulse to the body ; ke badan Diagram 8 shows the transmission Of the nerve impulse through a synaptic vesicle. Rajah monunjukkan penghantaran impuls n-.e'alui vesik9,' sinaps. Diagram 8 Which of the following is substance Antara yang berikut, yeng manakah jalah bahan X? Brain Sensory neurone Motor neurone Spinal cord Saraf tunJang 1, '1 and 111 1. // dan 1. Il and IV L dan IV 11, 111 and IV dan IV l. Il, and IV m dan 12. Which of the following parts labelled A, B, C or D was injured? Antara bahagian bedabel A. B. C dan D, yang manakah mecualanu kecederaan ? Diagram 9 *hows a specialised cell. ROah 9 rnenunjukkan Diagram 9 / Rajah The cell is Sel tu ia,'ah 14. Diagram 10 shows the pathway Of nerve impulse in a reflex arc. Rajah 10 menunjukk9n Wuan impuls saraf dalam suatu arka Diagram I O / 10 Which statement about the pathway is correct? pemyataan manakah yatv tentang 'aluan tersebut? A B C D Neurotransmitter Neurotransmiter Antibody Antibodi Hormone Enzy me A B C D Mr. Ali involved in an accident and injured his head. He had difficulties in breathing. Encik Ali terlibat nam satu kerna/angen dan rnengalami kecederaan pada kepala. Dia menga'ami kesukaran bemafas. 12. White blood cell Sel darah putih Relay neurone Neuron geganti Motor neurone Neuron motor Sensory neurone Voluntary and Involuntary Actions nndakan Terkawal don nndakan Luat Kawai 13. Which of the following parts are involved in reflex actions? Antara bahagian•bahagian yang berikut, yang manakah tedibat dJarn tindakan reneks? A B C D J transmits nerve impulses from the receptor to K. J menghantar impas saraf dari reseptor ke K N transmits nerve impulses to J and carries it to K. N menghantar irrWs saraf ke J dan membawønya M causes the fingers to respon d. M mengakibatkan Pi bergerak balas. N causes the hand to respond N mengakibatkan tangan bergerak balas.
  16. 15. Diagram I I shows a reflex arc. Rajah 11 menunjukkan satu arka refleks. Effector Synapse Axon terminal Terminal akson Stretch receptor Re septor Rene x hammer Tuku/ reneks Diagram / Rajah / I Which of the following is true about the reflex arc? Antara yang berikut. yang manakah benar tentang arka reneks ? Ill A B c D mental dan kesihatan kepada badan. High doses of cocaine can damage the heart, brain and respiratory System. Kokain dalam dos yang tinggi boleh merosakkan jantung, otak dan sistem AIDS cannot be spread through sharing unsterilised needles by drug addicts. AIDS tidak bo,'eh disebarkan melalui perkongsian jarum suntikan yang tidak steril o/eh penagih dadah. 1 and Il / dan Il 1 and 111 / dan Ill Il and IV Il dan IV 111 and IV Ill dan IV A B C D 12.5 The reflex arc involves two types Of neurones Arka reneks ini melibatkan dua jenis neuron The coordination centre is the medulla oblongata Pusat kawalan ialah medula oblongata Quadriceps muscles relax Otot kuadrisep mengendur The leg swings Kaki ditendang Health Issues Related to the System Nervous Isu Kesihatan Berkaltan Sistem Saraf Manusla 16. Which of the following Statements are true about drug abuse? Antara pemyataan yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentang penyalahgunaan dadah ? 17. The following information describes a health issue related to human nervous system. Makjumat yang berikut menerangkan satu isu kesihatan berkaitan sistem saraf • Disease related to the development Of nerves in the brain. penyakit berkaitan perkembangan saraf dalam • Cause problems in Il Psychoactive drugs interfere with the nervous system. Dadah perangsanq mengganggu sistem sard Psychoactive drugs give calm to mental and healthy body. Dadah perangsang memberi ketenangan A B C D communication and interaction. Menyebabkan masalah dalam komunikasi dan Parkinson's disease penyakit Parkinson Alzheimer's disease Penyakit Alzheimer Autism Autisme Multiple sclerosis Sklerosis berganda
  17. E n-do-crüzw Systenv Endocrine system consists of a number of glands that secrete hormones. Hormones are the chemical messenger produce by the endocrine glands. Although the hormones travel in the blood of the body, they affect and influence only the specific target cell Once the hormone binds to its target cell, the hormone cause the cell to respond in the specific manner. Secreting Cell hormone (endocrine gland) Target Cell blood vessel (specific receptor) o NOT a Target Cell (wrong receptor) THE NEED FOR THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 1. The endocrine system and nervous system play important roles in maintaining homeostasis. 2. Both this system often works together.
  18. The nervous system • Control voluntary and involuntary actions • Conveys electrical signals Messages are conducted via neurones. Messages are conveyed rapidly Messages are carried between specific locations The responses or effect are temporary pineal gland The endocrine system • controls involuntary actions Conveys chemical signal (hormones) Messages are conveyed via the bloodstream Message are conveyed slowly Messages are carried from the source to the various destination The response or effects are long- lasting pituitary gland 8 parathyroid gland thyroid gland drenal gland ancreas ovary testis 8 0
  19. Endocrine gland Pituitary gland Hormone a) Thyroid- stimulating hormone (BH) b) Follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) c) Luteinising hormone (LH) d) Growth hormone e) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Function Stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxine. Stimulates the development of follicles in the ovaries in females. Stimulates spermatogenesis in males. Stimulates ovulation, development of corpus luteum and secretion of oestrogen and progestemne in females. Stimulates the secretion of testosterone in males. Stimulates growth, protein synthesis and fat metabolism. Stimulates water reabsorption by renal tubules in the kidneys (osmoregulation)
  20. Endocrine Hormone Function gland Ovaries Testis j) Oestrogen k) Progesterone l) Testosterone Stimulates the development of female secondary sexual characte ristics e.g. body hair, breast enlargement, changes in physical b ody. Promotes re air of the uterine linin Stimulates development of the uterine lining and formation of t he placenta Inhibits ovulation Stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteri stics e.g body hair, muscle development, voice change Stimulates spermatogenesis.
  21. R of horm.o-ney secretiD-vv The pituitary gland is regarded as the master endocrine gland because it secrete several hormones that control other endocrine gland. Pituitary gland itself controlled by the hypothalamus. The regulation of horrnone secretion by: By other hormornes. By the level of certain substance in the blood e.g glucose. By the signals from the nervous system. By other hormornes. Anterior pituitary gland TSH Thyroid gland Thyroxin e
  22. y the level of certain substance in the blood When blood glucose rises, the pancreas produces insulin to cause the increase in the glucose uptake by cells. When blood glucose decreases, the pancreas produces glucagon to convert glycogen to glucose. ra ises blood glucose glucose release liver glucose fat storage muscle lowers blood glucose Glucagon Insulin stimulates insulin secretion pancreas stimulates glucagon secretion By the signals from the nervous system The hypothalamus receives nerve impulses from receptors. These stimulates the pituitary glands to release hormones. Adrenal glands are also stimulated by the nervous system to release adrenaline "Fight or flight" situation Example: when a person is being attacked by a dog
  23. Eyes detect stimuli (dog) The hypothalamus in the brain Adrenal medula Adrenaline Causes increase in: Heartbeat rate Breathing rate Blood pressure Blood glucose level Metabolic rate
  24. The effect: The heart pumps a larger amount of oxygen and glucose to the brain and skeletal muscle. The skeletal muscle become more energised and enable person to Fight off an attacker or Flee immediately from danger. The Effects of Hormonal Imbalance Undersecretion of growth hormorne (DWARFISM) Retards bone growth - The organs of a person often fails to grow - The size of the body is like that of a child
  25. Oversecretion of growth hormorne During childhood: gigantism - Abnormal increase in length of bones - The person growth to become abnormally tall. During adulthood: acromegaly - The bones, hands, feet, cheeks and jaw thicken. - Other tissue enlarge
  26. IMBALANCE OF THYROXINE HORMORNE Undersecretion Cretinism: mental retardation in children Myxoedema in adulthood Hypothyroidism which result in goitre Oversecretion Increase in metabolic rate, symptom: - Excessive sweating - Heat intolerance - Increased bowel movements -Nervousness - Rapid heart rate - Weight loss - hyperthyroidism
  27. HORMORNAL IMBALENCE (INSULIN) Under secretion Diabetes mellitus — abnormally high levels of glucose in the bloodstream Oversecreting Hypoglycaemia — an abnormally low level of glucose in the bloodstream Symptom: - Fatigue Insomnia - Mental confusion - Nervousness - Mood swings - Fainting spells Headache Type I Type 2 Insulin receptor The/ rob ofth.e hypoth.a.Zantue regulating the secretion/ of hormoneyfro•wvtheptu.ta.ry gland/ Brain Hypothalamus Pituitary Gland Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Lobe stalk Posterior Pituitary Lobe www.wh ythyroid.com
  28. Hypothalamus Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary ADH and oxytocin are synthesised in the neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus but secrete by the posterior pituitary. The hypothalamus controls the hormone secretion of the anterior pituitary gland and therefore, affect the secretion of many other endocrine glands indirectly. The anterior pituitary controls the secretions of hormones from the thyroid gland, the adrenal gland and gonad. All of which are also endocrine glands.
  29. Negative feedback mechanism in hormone regulation HYPOTHALAMUS Thyroid-releasing Hormone. TRH Stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH N egative feedback inhibits the release of "l'RH ANTERIOR PITUITARY Thyroid-stimulating Hormone. TSH N eg-ative Il:edback inhibits the release of Stimulates the target gland to secrete Thymxine TARGET GLAND Thyroxine When the thyroxine concentration exceeds a certain level in the blood, its inhibits TRH production in the hypothalamus and TSH production from the anterior pituitary