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Introduction To Literature

Published in: Language

This PPT will deliver a brief knowledge about literature.

Indira M / Ipoh

8 years of teaching experience

Qualification: PhD Lit, M.Ed TESL, BA ELS

Teaches: English, Biology, History, Bahasa Malaysia, MUET (English Test), Pengajian AM

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  1. *WHY LIT? *THE LIT MODELS *Big L & I *Breadth V. Depth APPROACH
  2. WHY TEACH LITERATURE? 3 main reasons O Each embraces a particular set of learning objectives for the students of lit. These are the : O Cultural Model Language Model Personal Growth Model
  3. The Cultural Model Teachers - working within such an orientation stress the value of lit in encapsulating the accumulated wisdom , the best that has been taught and felt within a culture Literature - Express the most significant ideas and sentiments of human being Teaching Literature - Represents means by which students can put in touch with a range of expression - often of universal value & validity - over a historical period. so
  4. The Cultural Model Enables students to understand and appreciate cultures and ideologies different from their own in time & space and to come to perceive tradition of thoughts, feeling and artistic from within the heritage the lit of such culture provide.
  5. THE CULTURAL MODEL , CULTURAL ENRICHMENT — For many language learners the ideal way to deepen their understanding of life in the country where the 9 language is spoken - (visit or an extended stay) — Some may start learning a language knowing that they are unlikely ever to set foot in an area where it is spoken by the majority inhabitants - FOR ALL SUCH LEARNERS , more indirect routes to this form of understanding must be adopted so that they gain an understanding of the way of life of the country.
  8. o T oughts , feelings, customs, possessions, what they buy , believe in , fear, enjoy , how they speak & behave behind a close doors So, the vivid imagined world can quickly give the foreign reader a feel for the codes and preoccupations that structure a real society. Reading the lit of a historical period is - one of the ways we have to help us oo imagine what life was like in that other foreign territory/ our own country's past
  9. LITERATURE is perhaps best seen as a complement to other materials used to increase the foreign learners insight into the country whose language is being learnt.
  10. THE LANGUAGE MODEL for the It is sometimes argued that a justification teaching of literature is its value in prompting language development This is taken by some teachers to mean that literature can be an instrument for use in connection with the teaching of specific vocabulary and structures or for the language manipulation.
  11. THE LANGUAGE MODEL Such an argument misunderstands the nature of language in literature and may even result in mechanistic and demotivating teaching practices which substitute language activities in place of a genuine engagement with the work as literature & Will probably have the detrimental effect of spoiling any pleasure the story or etc might have given.
  12. THE LANGUAGE MODEL One of the main reasons - teacher's orientation- towards language model — To put the students in touch with some of the more subtle or varied creative uses of the language. There is much to be gained - lang. development From exposure to such language but a main desire of language-centered lit teaching is to help the ss find ways into a text in a methodical way and for themselves.
  13. THE LANGUAGE MODEL The proponent of this model argue that language is the literary medium, that literature is made from language and that the more ss can read in and through language the better they will be come to terms with text as literature.
  14. THE PERSONAL GROWTH MODEL One of the main goals for teachers who are primarily committed to a personal growth model of literature teaching is to try to help students to achieve an engagement with the reading of literary texts. E.g ... This engagement cannot really be measured in terms of passing examinations in literature. The test of teacher's success in teaching lit is
  15. THE PERSONAL GROWTH MODEL the extent to which ss carry with them beyond the classroom an enjoyment and love for lit which is renewed as they continue to engage with lit throughout their lives. What the teacher will have imparted in such cases is a lasting pleasure in reading and deep satisfaction in a continuing growth of understanding.
  16. THE PERSONAL GROWTH MODEL This personal growth is rewarding because it results from learning how to appreciate and evaluate complex cultural artifacts o It is fulfilling as it is stimulated by an understanding of our society and culture and of ourselves as we function within that society and culture.
  17. THE PERSONAL GROWTH MODEL Helping ss to read lit more effectively is helping them to grow as individuals as well as in their relationships with the people and institutions around them To encourage peg the teacher has to stimulate and enliven ss in the lit class by selecting texts to which ss can respond and paticipate imaginatively.
  18. Literature & literature Literature ( Big L) O Literature for formal study Involves reading lit within an academic institutionalized setting for purposes of obtaining qualifications in literary studies. The study of critical concepts, literary conventions & metalanguage and ss must show an ability to use such terms and concepts in talking and writing about literature. Competency can be tested / measured via exam.
  19. Literature & literature Big c ' Such study can also involve analysis of particular literary theory or linguistics or semiotics of the target lit etc Involve acquiring history of the target lit, its traditions and conventions, its particular heritage, the nature of the influences and r/s between the authors, texts and contexts which make up the lit culture. Is teacher-centered. Includes classical texts like Shakespeare, William Blake, Dante Alighieri, Lord Byron, DOH. Lawrence, etc.
  20. Literature & literature Advantage - it fosters an understanding of lit as a body of texts, and view of literary texts as belonging to a 'background' of specific historical, social and ideological context.
  21. Literature & literature o literature - ( Small l) ' literature as a resource ' less academic , ss centered, activity based , pleasure , enj oyment Special resource for personal development and growth Aim being to encourage greater sensitivity and self awareness and greater understanding of the world around us. ' Includes popular fictions, fables, song lyrics, etc.
  22. Literature & literature Potential disadvantages of L for study O Hinder lit as resource - focus more on facts ego. Not responsive reading / fuller interpretation of text Courses & exams may help the ss to pass but they do little to develop lit as resources . ( lit as information based) ss fail to apply - rely more on authorities outside (teacher, books , lit , history ) Good memory - pass & the more successful ss -competence- even no teacher.
  23. Breadth v. Depth Design of a lit curriculum and to whether it is better to have a syllabus with broad range or one in which ss develop the capacity of reading a more limited number of texts in depth.
  24. Breadth v. Depth Breadth O Broad ranges of text Reading lit effectively Experience different literary texts Different situation Different styles Different conventions Get varied range of responses and be able to relate to one text to another
  25. Breadth v. Depth Depth O Read limited text in depth Better to know one text well Reading lit effectively (lang model) Detailed reading Closed engagement Analysis detailed Believes that with accuracy fluency will follow
  26. Questions: What is exactly meant by literary competence? What kind of literary competence you wish to develop in your students?