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PPT On Children's Literature

Published in: Language

This PPT will deliver an in-depth knowledge of children's literature.

Indira M / Ipoh

8 years of teaching experience

Qualification: PhD Lit, M.Ed TESL, BA ELS

Teaches: English, Biology, History, Bahasa Malaysia, MUET (English Test), Pengajian AM

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  1. UALN2013 TEACHING OF LITERATURE LECTURE 11: Children's Literature Prepared by Gladys Koh
  2. What is Children's Literature? " 'Children's literature' is a term generally used to cover all literature for children and adolescents, including oral literature, such as fairy tales and nursery rhymes, graphic narratives and young adult literature" (Bland, 2013) Prepared by Gladys Koh
  3. Types of Children's Literature Fairytales Nursery Rhymes Picture Books Graphic Novels ' Young adult fiction ' Autobiography / Biography Prepared by Gladys Koh
  5. Cognitive Dimension Prepared by Gladys Koh
  6. Cognitive Dimension Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage — children between ages 6-12 require stimulation of the in order to understand a concept. 5 senses Picture books, graphic novels and nursery rhymes — interaction with the 5 senses. Prepared by Gladys Koh
  7. Cognitive Dimension ' Constructivist theory— meaning is actively constructed by readers in relation to the text by drawing on his / her previous knowledge (schemata). Dynamic "meaning-making process." Prepared by Gladys Koh
  8. Cognitive Dimension ' Reader-response theory — readers fill in the gaps within and between texts with their own meaning to produce a diversity of responses. ' Gaps = tension between image, layout & text. ' Develops critical thinking skills — prediction, inferences, synthesis, guessing from context. Prepared by Gladys Koh
  9. Cognitive Dimension Krashen's Theory of Comprehensible Input — we acquire language subconsciously through understanding messages via authentic texts, meaningful tasks and contextual clues. ' Emphasis on meaning, not form. Prepared by Gladys Koh
  10. Affective Dimension Prepared by Gladys Koh 10
  11. Affective Dimension Krashen's Theory of Affective Filter — the importance of low-anxiety environment to absorb comprehensible input. / extensive reading / free Pleasure reading reading / sustained silent reading (SSR) — freedom to read any materials at your own pace. Prepared by Gladys Koh 11
  12. Affective Dimension ' Boost self-esteem, confidence and motivation to read. ' Satisfying ending— after." ' 'they live happily ever Bibliotherapy — relationship with the story / characters can heal and soothe the heart. Prepared by Gladys Koh 12
  13. Socio-cultural Dimension (e (6 Prepared by Gladys Koh 13
  14. Socio-cultural Dimension ' Postcolonial Theory - Acceptance of otherness - characters meet aliens, witches, monsters, animals, ghosts, etc. Blurs the boundary of the self and other — "Us" and "them" - challenges stereotypes. ' Awareness and acceptance of cultural differences — InterCuIturaI Competence (ICC) Prepared by Gladys Koh 14
  15. Moral Dimension Prepared by Gladys Koh
  16. Moral Dimension ' Universal themes and values. ' Identity Formation - feelings of empathy and identification with the characters and their moral dilemma — able to relate. Hero-worship phenomenon. Prepared by Gladys Koh 16
  18. Obstacles in Teaching Children's Literature ' Limited access to motivating books due to low SES — libraries not well-stocked. Worship of the syllabus, obsession with textbooks, exams, compulsion to conform. Communicative syllabus — focus on practical, utilitarian language — referential language. Prepared by Gladys Koh 18
  19. EXAMPLES OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Prepared by Gladys Koh 19
  20. co minutes ti'l, Gedt Matter What We're Going on a Michael Rosen , De o b«nji Picture Books 7D'N/CHö— moon the gad BQb the Dear That; not mg puppy... bell B too Prepared by Gladys Koh Eric Hill 20
  21. t Ayats i "Oha Graphic Novels 'URL COMICS Prepared by Gladys Koh 21
  22. Picture books & Graphic novels Mixing of words and images is a great way to foster comprehension and memory skills (Carter, 2008). Multimodal reading - weaving of text, images, layout and textures — non-linear reading. Prepared by Gladys Koh 22
  23. Picture books & Graphic novels ' The "readerly gap" — readers fill in the imaginative space lies hidden between words and the pictures / panels, or between the mysterious syntax of the pictures/panels, or between voices of narrator & character. Prepared by Gladys Koh 23
  24. Picture books & Graphic novels ' Holistic language learning— marrying semantics, semiotics, phonetics, syntax, etc. Offers excitement, fun and new ideas. Allows reworking of fairytales — challenges stereotypes - if visuals contradict text. Prepared by Gladys Koh 24
  25. Nursery Rhymes 'Playfulness' — encourage playful and experimental use of language that spurs imagination and creativity — 'exploration.' Playful language imitates child babble — a macrocosm of children's world. ' Boost enjoyment and motivation. Prepared by Gladys Koh 25
  26. Refe re n s Bland, J. & Lutge, C. (Ed.). (2013). Children's literature in second language education. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ' Carter, JOB. (2008). 'Comics, the canon and the classroom,' in N. Frey & D. Fisher (Ed.), Teaching visual literacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, PP. 47-60. Krashen, S. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. New York, NY: Longman. Piaget, J. (1964). The early growth of logic in the child. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Prepared by Gladys Koh 26