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Parts Of Speech

Published in: Bahasa Inggeris | English

A slides on parts of speech. One of the most important foundation of English.

Nur S / Johor Bahru

7 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Masters of applied linguistics, B.ed TESL

Teaches: Communicative English, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Resume Writing, English, Spoken English, IELTS, ESL, MUET (English Test), IGCSE Exam, Bahasa Inggeris, Malay

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  1. PARTS OF SPEECH Ready? Let's go!
  3. no
  4. NOUN? A word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. man.. KLCC.. house.. happiness COMMON VS PROPER • Proper nouns (specific) always start with a capital letter; common nouns (general) do not. c C C C C C C 1 1 COUNTABLE VS UNCOUNTABLE • Nouns can be singular or plural, concrete or abstract. SINGULAR VS PLURAL • Most nouns are made plural with the addition of s or es. Some nouns have irregular plural forms.
  5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exercise Jason enjoyed the movie about France . The musicians play marching songs. There is no death penalty for criminals in Puerto Rico. New Mexico was admitted as a state in the twentieth century.
  6. uu?uuuu?uu PRONOUN
  7. PRONOUN A word used instead of a It is noun . Without pronouns: Scott gave the te book to Kelli so that Kelli could use the book to study. NUMBE With pronouns: Scott gave the book to Kelli so that she could use itto study. Singular Plural l, you, he, she, it we, you, they me, him, her us, them There are different types of pronoun: Possessive Pronouns: indicate ownership. Eg: The dog is mine Reflexive Pronouns: used to emphasize another noun or pronoun. Eg: You are too young to go out by yourselves Relative Pronouns: introduce a subordinate clauseEg: The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
  8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exercise She cried loudly, and each of us heard her. They felt flattered by our attention to them. She sent them to him as a birthday gift. Solving the traffic problems taxes the imagination of those who have the responsibility of it. Some take up a hobby because it is fun.
  9. N/A
  10. VERB A verb expresses actio being . jump... IS write.. become Some linking verbs are am, IS, are, was, were, be, being, and been. Other linking verbs express the senses: feels, appears, tastes, There is a main verb and sometimes one or n sounds, seems, looks. helping verbs. ("She can sing. " Sing is the main verb; can is the helping verb.) A verb must agree with its subject in number (both are singular or both are plural).
  11. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exercise A micron is a unit of length. There are over a thousand millimeters in a yard. Gold melts at 1, 063 degrees centigrade. Egypt measures about one and one-half the size of Texas.
  12. N/A
  13. Which one? ADJECTIVE Whatkind? An How many? modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. 1 Pretty.. blue.. old... smart Young P retty Skinny Long hair Round face Blue shirt c C C C C His daughter Dark suit Ten children many. Q: QUANTITY O: OPINION S: SIZE, WEIGHT A: AGE S: SHAPE C: COLOR O: ORIGIN M: MATERIAL nswers the question of what kind, or how few, several, many good, better, pretty, ug y, lovely heavy, light, small, big, tall, short young, Old, teenage, e derly round, square, oval, f at pink, red, blue, green, white American, Australian, Canadian g ass, concrete, cotton, steel
  14. 1. 2. 3. Exercise There are countless millions of gaseous bodies called stars. Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous statesmen and a bold explorer. Twenty-five students attended reading class during the first term.
  15. 883???
  16. An adverb ADVERB modifies or describes a An adverb can modify an adjective. The adverb :ntensity of the Today we must complete the project. (Must complete the project when?) Mitch approached the intersection cautiously. (Approached how?) He seems especially competent. (How competent?) Did you see the schedule there? ( Where?) It usually The prosecutor did not question him further. (Questioned him to what emely how, why extent?) degree. Adverbs otten end In -ly. An adverb can modify a verb. The girls ran quickly but happily through the puddle. Go to the administration office first, and then come to class. They are movina her office upstairs. An adverb can modify another adverb. The modifying adverb usually clarifies the degree or intensity of the adverb. Eating her lunch somewhat cautiouslv. Carolyn tried to ignore the commotion.
  17. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exercise It comes quickly from scorching Sahara Desert. This extremely hot wind is a menace to life. Its coming always fills the natives with fear. The name "sirocco" is often given to a warm wind .
  18. uu?uuuu?uw PREPOSITION
  19. A preposition shows relationship between two or PREPOSITION more nouns or pronouns. Brian often talked with Ms. Tokuyama. Brian often talked about Ms. Tokuyama. The position Of Brian often talked to Ms. Tokuyama. Her bag was under the chair. The time when something happens: They arrived Sunday. The way in which something is done: We went by train.
  20. 1. 2. 3. Exercise The state of Colorado claims forty-eight of these tall mountains. Mount Whitney rises to the height of 14, 495 feet . Have you ever had the desire to climb to the top of one of these peaks?
  22. CONJUNCTION A conjunction joins words, phrases, or clauses . Coordinating conjunctions join words or groups of words of equal value. Eg: Lucy and Ed left the door open. Coordinating conjunctions working in pairs to join phrases or words that carry equal importance within a sentence. Eg: Bowling isn't as fun as skeet shooting. Subordinating conjunctions are words that make one group of words dependent upon another group of words. Eg: When I came in, he left. c c C C c c c C c 1 1 Coordinating Conjunction • and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet Correlative Conjunction as...as, both...and, not only...but also, either...or, neither...nor, whether...or Subordinating Conjunction After, although, as , because, before, if, since, than, that, unless, when
  23. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exercise Janet and Joan are twins, but they are different in many ways. While basalt is one of the heaviest rocks, pumice floats in water. It is a mixture of basalt and He had lots to do; therefore, air bubbles. he went home.
  24. uu?uuuu?uw INTERJECTION
  25. INTERJECTION An interjection is a word used to express emotion. Interjections are words intended to express different levels of emotion or surprise, and are usually seen as independent grammatically from the main sentence . Interjections usually stand alone and are often punctuated with an exclamation point. WOW My goodness! Sometimes mild interjections are included within a sentence and are then set off by commas. Well, it's about time you showed up.